Monday, November 5
TED Talks: Wikipedia's origins and a creature feature.
I found this video from the founder of Wikipedia, Jimmy Whales. He talks about how he started Wikipedea and what goes into editing an entry. It made me look at the site differently. I still wouldn't use it as a reference but I do trust the information a little more after listening to this video.
This next video I'm adding not so much for practical educational purposes but because I like it and you might as well.
There might be some practical use for education, but it's hard for me to see. What do you think?
Thursday, October 25
Happy Halloween!!!
So I subscribe to Common Craft. (you remember the wiki film) And I felt that this would be something fun. I needed something fun to keep sane this week. It's been a long one. I hope this brings a smile to your face. I look forward to reading your overviews.
Monday, October 15
Next Post So Soon?
Second Life Video Attempt
Well this is the first time I've posted an actual video. I hope it works. I'm posting this video because of two reasons.
1st: I'm going to be in a group that will have Second Life as our trends analysis subject. I have to tell you I'm kind of looking forward to it. =0) It might be hard to find a lot of corporate world training uses but it will not be that hard for me to speculate as to future training uses of SL based on what is in this video. So I think I have that going for me.
2nd: I'm also starting a section of my other class based on Virtual Reality and its influence education. For my groups section we need to focus on the "future of avatars" and I think this video will help my group see a couple of applications of eduction already established in the Second Life world.
If you have already seen this video its because I got it from a blog entitled "eLearning Technology" created by Tony Karrer. He in turn got it from "corporate elearning strategies and development" a corporate learning blog. If you haven't seen these videos let me know any first impressions of Second Life you might get from this video.
Monday, October 8
More News in Blogging
This time the blog news comes from, the article is "Official State Department Blog Reveals Diplomat Character, Invites Public Discourse." This article introduced me to the U.S. State Department's official blog "Dipnote." The article is a place where US diplomats overseas can post and reflect on what serving abroad means to them. It also gives these people the ability to share what they do as diplomats. I really liked the article and the blog.
It gave me the idea that blogs would be good for a free form feedback tool. Have your class (corporate or k-12) build a blog at the beginning of their tenure and have each student post impressions and improvement ideas. I know this sounds somewhat similar to what we are doing here but have the students keep the same blog site and post for every class once a week. Each teacher would subscribe to the blogs. Students could express themselves in a environment they create and are somewhat comfortable in. Teachers would be able to get an impression of the student by examining past blogs. I'm certain the US state department is trying to get as much information out of their blog as they can, at the very least the "Dipnote" blog gives feedback on a basic level. In both my classes this semester we have discussed using the tools of educators in their best possible use. I think this might be a good use for blogs.
Monday, October 1
Good Rant.
Thursday, September 27
Blogging Monks in the News
Sunday, September 23
We'll start with a little review. For my other class, Instructional Message Design, we have been reading Multi-Media Learning by Richard E. Mayer. I have completed the first three chapters and this will be the first review I will do on this book. Each time i finish a section for my class I will post a new review.
This is a very insightful book. Click on the book title to see a digital copy. The first three chapters lay down some ground rules and background for the book. "The Promise of Multimedia Learning," Mayer's first chapter, covers his definition of multimedia. This boils down to any instructional material presented in different forms, such as a written document with pictures incorporated or an animated video with a narration. He then breaks down views of multimedia design, learning metaphors, learning out comes and types of active learning. To sum it up, the best route according to Mayer would be to have a learner centered design which could lead to the knowledge construction metaphors, which intern fosters understanding, or transfer. That all leads to meaningful learning which Mayer states should be the objective of most learning.
Chapter 2, "Multimedia Instructional Messages" gives examples that reflect Mayer's definition of multimedia. Using three different models Mayer explains what a basic multimedia message should entail. This helped me with the definitions he had mentioned.
Chapter 3, "A Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning" was the most informative chapter yet. It started with three known assumptions on how we learn. Dual channel processing, limited capacity and active processing are the assumptions that motivate learners and if designers do not keep these in mind the true cognitive learning cannot take place. Mayer then goes into the five steps a learn goes through when they gain a cognitive understanding of any subject. This helped me place behaviors that I have seen in my students. I feel I'll understand why they act like they do, at least some of the time.
This is the review to date. The next chapters are all dedicated to certain techniques on how to enhance this learning medium. I'm all the more confident in this book and what it can teach me because of the sound base of theory laid down in these first three chapters. Stay tuned for more posts. Below is an APA citation for the book.
I plan on updating my links and setting up a couple more links leading to some cool things my classmates are doing. I'm also reading an article on e-learning from a readings list that I will be making comments on soon.
Mayer, R E (2007). Multimedia Learning. Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press.
Tuesday, September 18
Monday, September 17
And He's OFF!!!!
Gray, D. E. (no date). Leadership and management in e-learning for teachers and trainers: An introductory guide. Online:,439,3739,7557,38404,38405,38414
I also have set up an interview with a lead instructional designer at Echostar (my work). I will be conducting that interview this Tuesday morning so I should have that out on this blog soon too.
Monday, September 3
OK... back on track

Wednesday, August 29
Almost done with the research
I'll post my portion of the opening project on the Web tomorrow.